Thursday, December 17, 2009

Cardiology Appointment

This morning Sadie's Cardiologist said he was unable to get a good look at the holes in her heart (ASD, atrial septal defect; VSD, ventricular septal defect) because Sadie would not lay still enough during the ultra sound. Therefore, Sadie will be going under sedation at the children's hospital for a 30 to 45 minute thorough ultra sound sometime in January. The Cardiologist will also have scheduled a catheterization (at the same time) to repair the ASD hole at the same time IF it is found during the ultra sound that the hole NEEDS to be repaired. The idea is to sedate her once and just do the repair rather than tell us the results and do the procedure later. Best case: sedated ultra sound. Worst case: catheterization and repair the hole, which is called an Amplatzer Device ( ). Both of which we will be prepared for the same time if needed. This is obviously surprising news, but the doctor has reassured us that with all procedures there is risk, but that the catheterization repair is performed by a well trained Cardiologist who does nearly 50 a year.
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Time is a Thief

I don't remember the first time I heard the sentiment, "time is a thief." Recently it is heavy on my mind. I haven't post...