Friday, July 31, 2009

Debatable Postings

Sometimes I wonder if I should post real scenarios with the really people in our life. I would hate it more than anything to offend anyone, but isn't that part of sharing her story??? Does anyone really read this anyway?

So here goes...Sadie had a speech evaluation on Monday, which I consider to have been a waste of time. While the therapist giving the evaluation truly meant well, I would like to think that when I tell you she used a standardized test you will understand that that means showing a notebook to Sadie with a choice of 4 pictures. She said please point to..., but when I told her that Sadie won't do that or understand that she said well I'll ask her to circle it instead. When she asked Sadie to circle/pat the skunk. Sadie didn't respond to pointing/patting/or kissing the pictures. She simply wanted to hold the therapist's pen. I asked her what level she started on...she responded 4 year old....AFTER, I had already told her that Sadie's receptive language is 18-20 months and expressive language is 6-9 months old. AMAZING. Needless to say, She went to the beginning of the test and got NO results. I continued to explain that we want to focus on basic communication/sign language/picture choices with photographs/concrete objects.

Time is a Thief

I don't remember the first time I heard the sentiment, "time is a thief." Recently it is heavy on my mind. I haven't post...