Friday, October 17, 2008

Language vs Communication

Language is important, we all know that, and we all know you can't get anything unless you take it or ask for it. For children who don't have language, or have receptive language, but don't have expressive language, this can be difficult and nearly impossible to get your point across to the person who controls your world. For children, their world is controlled by their parents, until the day comes that you can communicate.

For most of Sadie's life, her communication has been painfully limited and based on my prediction of the things she wants or needs. She is accomplished at saying mama and occasionally says bye bye. She will even say ahhh gohhh to say all gone, but as far as requesting things she has been severely limited.

We have been working on PECS (picture exchange communication system) since the beginning of summer. We, I, have been signing to her since she was a baby. Shelbi picked up signing immediately. Most recently, we have started to see some actual requesting. On Tuesday, Daisy(dog) was sitting in the recliner and Sadie wanted to sit in the chair. I told her that she should tell Daisy to "Get Off." I nearly fell out of my seat when she said, " ggggg ohhhhhh" to Daisy. Then today, I signed to Shelbi to ask if she wanted "more waffles." To sign more, you take the tips of the fingers on both hands and you touch them together. I look over at Sadie and ask her the same thing. OMG, she signed more...for the first time. I'm serious...for the first time ever. About five minutes later, I asked her if she wanted milk. I told her to show mommy with your hand that you want milk. To sign milk, you squeeze your fist together like you are milking a cow. She signed milk. As if one sign didn't make my day, she signed another sign. A little later on, she stripped down her diaper and clothes, which I now know means she has a wet diaper and doesn't want it on anymore, or that she needs to go pee. Her diaper was dry. I walked her in the bathroom and after a few attempts...she peed in the potty. They say things come in threes! I can't wait to see what she does the rest of today. She communicated her needs!!!

Time is a Thief

I don't remember the first time I heard the sentiment, "time is a thief." Recently it is heavy on my mind. I haven't post...