Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Busy Busy Bee

I can't believe October is really here and today is Sadie's 3 1/2 year birthday. Let's see, what has happened since April? Sadie continues to be a loving child with the occasional tantrum. As expected for any child with or without disabilities. Sometimes I think Shelbi is a bigger handful. They continue to grow and bond with each other. Loving and pushing each other all at the same time. Sadie is amazing us with her desire to learn and grow. She is a better eater and finally in the 25% for weight! Yeahhhhh!!!

As for school, this year has been more demanding on us and the teachers. In theory, her school is welcoming and excited to teach children with disabilities, but the truth is they are ill-equipped with the necessary special education experience. We have even found ourselves in the company of a person who discriminates and refused to be in her class. We are compromising, as we know, we do live in a free country and each person has a right to their own beliefs. The public school system is sending an itenerant special education teacher and speech itenerant to work with Sadie two times a week. This is the community preschool inclusion model.

I was driving Sadie to school last week and saw a bumper sticker...Well behaved women rarely make history. It must have been calling my name because I was torn by the feeling to fight or be grateful that at least one school would take her. I'm trying to find a balance so that I don't cram Sadie's issues down people throats. Bill and I want people to be interested in Sadie. BUT everyone has their own story and not the time to worry about another family. We do understand this; although, it is hard to take sometimes.

Time is a Thief

I don't remember the first time I heard the sentiment, "time is a thief." Recently it is heavy on my mind. I haven't post...