Potty training is seriously driving me crazy.....Yesterday she pooped in her underwear 3 times and peed all over herself twice. Keeping on top of putting her on the potty regularly is exhausting, sometimes she goes and other times she won't. I'm having a really hard time figuring out how to get her to have a BM in the potty too. She will grunt and grunt and I will repeatedly run her to the potty, but always she goes the second her underwear are pulled up and the 2 seconds that I'm not stalking her. The person getting potty trained here is "me." I can't give up yet though. I really do think that once we get her BMing on the potty that it will be easier. Any suggestions to get her to release.....
Our life, our experience, our history, about my daughter with a rare chromosome disorder. She is missing a small portion of her 8th chromosome, which is called a deletion. She also has a small part of XP added to that. Her karotype or diagnosis is deletion 8p23.3 with extra xp22.2 to the terminal deletion (a new chromosome test summer 2011 changed her karotype to deletion 8p23.2 with extra xp 22.12, essentially meaning more missing chromosome 8 and more added xp). #herrarelife
Friday, October 1, 2010
Monday, September 27, 2010
blowing raspberries....not funny to the speech therapist
"Sadie is a wreck today, " was the first thing the pregnant twenty-something-first- time-mom speech therapist said the moment she saw me in the lobby of Sadie's school an hour ago. She continued to describe how Sadie was blowing raspberries or zerberts and she continued to tell her "no" and sign "stop" during her short 20 minutes of speech therapy. Her therapy session is at the end of Sadie's half day preschool. She continued to describe how Sadie thought it was funny and continued even though she said "no" and signed "stop." She was genuinely frustrated that Sadie continued to do this. And truthfully, Sadie looked like she had been crying, which is VERY rare.
Okay so Really????? Sadie IS intellectually disabled, she has the intellect of a two year....what the @#$% do you think two year olds do.....they blow raspberries and zerberts and they think it's funny. Honestly in the scheme of life is blowing raspberries and zerberts REALLY that bad. Sadie is essentially non-verbal, so how else you you expect her to communicate? The fact that the speech therapist found it necessary to complain over something so small the moment she saw me is concerning. Hell, she's lucky Sadie didn't poop in her underwear or pee all over herself. Hell, how about starting the conversations with a positive comment first and then pick your battles. Really? Blowing raspberries is the definition of Sadie being a wreck today in a 20 minute speech session???
Friday, September 24, 2010
Blogger Hibernation
I think I'm ready to come out of blogger hibernation. I started this blog knowing that my audience was "me." I thought a few people here and there might read it, but really it was for me to express my feelings and in many ways, this blog became my friend. The friend I could tell anything to, share anything with, without judgement. Ironically, I have been saying for the past few months that I have been hesitating to write because I was nervous about Sadie's article and I knew the blog would be mentioned, I didn't know who would be reading it after it was in the paper.
But I just realized that might have had nothing at all to do with my lack of posting. I just now in the last 3 minutes and the previous paragraph realized that I haven't been sharing because I didn't need to.
In the past 3 months I bonded with two of the most amazing women. They see me truer than anyone ever has..they both have children with special needs and they know exactly what life is like. The unspoken connection that the three of us share has brought a sense of peace to the craziness called my life. I have spent the past 5 years isolated from nearly everyone and I just now realized how much happiness they have brought to my life.I realized just how lonely I have been. We have been sharing everything with each other and it feels good to have such wonderful friends.
We meet for coffee, or share a meal, we cry through movies, and we even give support with hugs and crying together. We know each other, we KNOW. With a look, a phone call, or a text, I know I've got friends for life.
And so I'm ready to come out of blogger hibernation because I have a lot to share now, wonderful things have been happening and I feel like I'm living again. And so the sequence of events that keep leading me to something new all started right here with this blog, this friend that I counted on and I could tell anything to, all thanks to Sadie giving me a new perspective on life and taking nothing for granted.
I'm looking forward to sharing more....for starters....Have you seen the movie Extraordinary Measures with Brendan Frasier and Harrison Ford? The movie was inspired by the true story about the Crowley Family in the novel The Cure by Geeta Anand. John Crowley also wrote a memoir, Chasing Miracles. Anyway, our local children's hospital is hosting its annual bioethics conference and John Crowley is the key note speaker for the day. Anyway, as one thing has lead to another, as it always will, I was asked to sit on the parent panel at the conference. Anyone that knows me knows that I'm pretty shy, so the thought of sitting on a stage in front of 200 heath professionals scares the @#$% out of me. Thankfully, I have several more weeks to calm my nerves and read The Cure. Chasing Miracles was powerful and hit home.
Looking forward to more blogging....
But I just realized that might have had nothing at all to do with my lack of posting. I just now in the last 3 minutes and the previous paragraph realized that I haven't been sharing because I didn't need to.
In the past 3 months I bonded with two of the most amazing women. They see me truer than anyone ever has..they both have children with special needs and they know exactly what life is like. The unspoken connection that the three of us share has brought a sense of peace to the craziness called my life. I have spent the past 5 years isolated from nearly everyone and I just now realized how much happiness they have brought to my life.I realized just how lonely I have been. We have been sharing everything with each other and it feels good to have such wonderful friends.
We meet for coffee, or share a meal, we cry through movies, and we even give support with hugs and crying together. We know each other, we KNOW. With a look, a phone call, or a text, I know I've got friends for life.
And so I'm ready to come out of blogger hibernation because I have a lot to share now, wonderful things have been happening and I feel like I'm living again. And so the sequence of events that keep leading me to something new all started right here with this blog, this friend that I counted on and I could tell anything to, all thanks to Sadie giving me a new perspective on life and taking nothing for granted.
I'm looking forward to sharing more....for starters....Have you seen the movie Extraordinary Measures with Brendan Frasier and Harrison Ford? The movie was inspired by the true story about the Crowley Family in the novel The Cure by Geeta Anand. John Crowley also wrote a memoir, Chasing Miracles. Anyway, our local children's hospital is hosting its annual bioethics conference and John Crowley is the key note speaker for the day. Anyway, as one thing has lead to another, as it always will, I was asked to sit on the parent panel at the conference. Anyone that knows me knows that I'm pretty shy, so the thought of sitting on a stage in front of 200 heath professionals scares the @#$% out of me. Thankfully, I have several more weeks to calm my nerves and read The Cure. Chasing Miracles was powerful and hit home.
Looking forward to more blogging....
Monday, September 20, 2010
"Justice will not be served until those who are unaffected are as outraged as those who are." -Benjamin Franklin
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Sadie always playing with her tongue.
The only photo from Sadie's first day of school. hmmmm, I had good intentions of taking a lot, I just don't know what happened?
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Something to think about....
From one of my favorite blogs:
Rolling Around In My Head esse quam videri / A Blog By Dave Hingsburger Monday, August 23, 2010Yesterday at 4:33pm http://davehingsburger.blogspot.com/2010/08/people-who-are.html?spref=fb
Rolling Around In My Head esse quam videri / A Blog By Dave Hingsburger Monday, August 23, 2010 The People Who 'ARE' It's in the press again. I search to find out the context of the word. I see debates all over the web, people bemoaning the 'politically correct' and the 'word police' and making ridiculous claims about having to ban the concept of a 'fire retardant'. Last I looked there's never been a protest about products that protect from fire. Last I looked there's only ever been protests about the use of a word that demeans a group of people. No matter what the fearless defenders of freedom of speech say, there is a huge difference between a word to describe something that slows fire and someone who learns differently. There's a huge difference between a thing and a person - but, no, maybe not. After reading their diatribes regarding their freedom to spit out hurtful words, they may, really, not see people with disabilities as fully human with a human heart capable human hurt. People mock the concept of respectful language regarding disability. People make odd arguments about the latest gaffe by ... no, I won't say her name here ... they say 'she was saying that of herself not anyone else' - um, so? The word she used was one referring, not to a commercial product, but to an oppressed minority. Yet the debate rages on and the fierceness of the attack by those who are proponents of the use of hate language are both hysterical and who often purposely miss the point. One wonders what's at stake - their personal liberty to hurt others? It's time to recognize that the 'R' word is an attack against who people with with intellectual disabilities 'are', it is an attack against the group that they belong to. It is like other words that exist to slur an entire people, unacceptable. The fact that people do not see the seriousness of the word and the attack it represents is simply a result of the fact that they do not take the 'people' who wear that label seriously. The concerns of those with intellectual disabilities have always been diminished and trivialized. There is a sneaking suspicion that they 'don't understand, poor dears', that they 'miss the point, little lambs' so therefore their anger need not be feared as justified. The people who 'ARE' what the 'R' word refers to have a long history. They have been torn from families and cast into institutions. They have been beaten, hosed down, over medicated, under nourished, sterilized, brutalized, victimized. They have been held captive, have been enslaved, have had their being given over to the state. They are the group in society most likely to be physically, sexually and financially abused. They are the group least likely to see justice, experience fair play, receive accommodation or support within the justice system. They are the group most likely to be bullied, most likely to be tyrannized, most likely to be the target of taunts. They are the least likely to have their hurt taken seriously, physical hurt, emotional hurt, spiritual hurt. They are most likely to be ignored when they speak of pain, have their words diminished by an assumption of diminished capacity. They are the least likely to ever be seen as equal, as equivalent and entirely whole. They are the victim of some of the most widespread and pervasive prejudices imaginable. They are those that the Nazi's thought unworthy of life, they are those targeted by geneticists for non-existence, they need fear those who wear black hats and those who wear white coats. They are educated only under protest, they are included as a concession rather than a right, they are neighbours only because petitions failed to keep them out. They are kept from the leadership of their own movement, they are ignored by the media, their stories are told to glorify Gods that they do not worship. That they are a 'people' is questioned even though they have a unique history, a unique voice, a unique perception of the world. That they are a 'community' is questioned even though they have commonality, they have mutual goals, they have a collective vision of the future. That they are have a legitimate place at the table is questioned simply because no one's ever offered a seat. They are a people. They ask for respect and receive pity. They ask for fair play and are offered charity. They ask for justice and wipe spittle off their face. They ask to silence words that brutalize them and their concerns are trivialized. They ask to walk safely through their communities and yet bullies go unpunished. They ask to participate fully and they are denied access and accommodation and acceptance. And this is NOW. This is the people who have walked the land of the long corridor, who have waited at the frontier of our bias to finally be here, now. They have survived. They have come home. They have continued, silently and without fanfare, to take hold of freedom and live with dignity. They have given everything they have for what others take for granted. Their civil liberties are perceived as 'gifts' as 'tokens' and as 'charity'. Their rights are seen as privileges. Their movement is, as of yet, unacknowledged. They are a people recently emancipated, new citizens, who are tentatively discovering their voice. It is a voice not yet heard. It is a voice not yet respected. It is a voice not yet understood. But it is speaking. And when it is finally heard. The world will change. The 'R' word is an attack on a people who know discrimination. Tremble when you say it. Because those who should know better will be held accountable to those who know best.
Rolling Around In My Head esse quam videri / A Blog By Dave Hingsburger Monday, August 23, 2010Yesterday at 4:33pm http://davehingsburger.blogspot.com/2010/08/people-who-are.html?spref=fb
Rolling Around In My Head esse quam videri / A Blog By Dave Hingsburger Monday, August 23, 2010 The People Who 'ARE' It's in the press again.
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry
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