Sunday, December 30, 2007

GI testing

Since writing the "My Lottery Baby" post, Sadie had a series of GI tests run in November to see if we could find the cause of her spitting up and throwing up. Each week for 3 weeks we drove to the hospital to have the testing completed. Gastric Emptying Study, Video Swallow Study, Upper GI, the final endoscopy and pH probe tests were completed under anesthesia. The conclusion was that they confirmed reflux...duh. The Gi doctor's opinion was that Sadie possibly has a sensitive gag reflex and possible post nasal drip and recommended we see an allergist. The allergist completed the skin test on her back and revealed basically nothing. Pollen allergies and a small possible egg allergy, but so small that it was hard to even tell. Gag reflux seems to be the answer. She gags on her reflux which causes her to throw up.
Sadie starts school 3 days a week at the start of the new year. She will receive OT, PT, and Speech. She is also starting private OT with the hospitals therapy group.

Time is a Thief

I don't remember the first time I heard the sentiment, "time is a thief." Recently it is heavy on my mind. I haven't post...