Saturday, January 31, 2009

25 Facts of Life

25 things I would like for people to know about me…

This is the recent topic on Facebook. People are writing poignant comments, thoughts, and feelings about their life that people might not know or they want them to know. I’ve read them from 3 people this week and have had it in the back of my mind to write one, but didn’t want to overwhelm my “friends” with complaints…or as I know them the “facts of life.” So here are my 25 facts of life…as I know it.

1. I change my 32 pound, nearly 4 years old daughter’s poopy diaper 2-3 times a day. In addition to the other wet diapers too.
2. I mentally tally Sadie’s calorie intake everyday.
3. I cry when I watch Signing Time, EVERY time…I wish Sadie would sign or talk.
4. I sold my SUV to buy a minivan so the doors open at the push of a button to make life easier. Sadie has to be carried most of the time to the car or she will take off.
5. Sadie has had 2 feet surgeries, 1 eye surgery, 5 gastro procedures/tests, 1 24 hour pH probe, 2 EEGs, a ton of EKGs/Ultrasounds on her heart, casts on both legs for 5 months of her life, 1 MRI, 1 CT scan, 1 Audiotory Brainstem Response (ABR) with Sedation, forcibly given blood for Genetics testing 3 times...4th time will be on Monday b/c someone at the hospital screwed up her test on the 3rd time...hmmm am I missing anything?
6. I have a handicap decal for Sadie.
7. I’m thankful for Meghan each day…I admit I can’t take care of Sadie alone.
8. I cry that Shelbi seems to understand her sister and I’m thankful for her.
9. Sometimes I go 2 days without showering and a week without shaving my legs.
10. I question everyday why GOD would do this to a child.
11. I never wonder “Why Me?”…”Why Sadie?” simply…"why?”
12. I hate it when people say, “God never gives you more than you can handle!”…have those people ever dealt with a tragedy in their life.
13. I hate it when people use the word “retard” in a derogatory way…my daughter is intellectually disabled or formerly known as mentally retarded.
14. I have used the word “retard.” I was ignorant.
15. I’m obsessed about reading other peoples stories. I will even contact strangers and they welcome the kinship we share.
16. I invent new ways to keep Sadie in her clothes…cutting the onsies up and sewing it on her pajamas.
17. My 46 month old loves to strip in her crib and eat her diaper.
18. Shelbi is potty trained at 17 months, sleeping in a queen size bed, saying words.
19. Sadie is nonverbal…that means she does not talk. Even if you hold her arm and say your name 12 times...she will not repeat it back.
20. I hate to attend birthday parties…it reminds me how delayed Sadie is and it makes me overwhelmingly sad.
21. I hate it when people are positive…I’m realistic…please don’t be offended…I’m the one who lives this life…you come in sporadically and I appreciate your positivity…but it saddens me to know you don’t understand.
22. Sadie has 9 doctor’s who see her at least 2 times a year.
23. Sadie is on the Mental Retardation Waiver wait list.
24. Sadie is on medication for anorexics…which is working…she gained over a pound this month.
25. It is a huge undertaking to dress Sadie…she goes through about 3-5 outfits a day. I am always doing laundry…and I hate it, but I love the smell.

26. I love her with all my heart and will do whatever I have to do, even if i secretly complain about it to myself.

Time is a Thief

I don't remember the first time I heard the sentiment, "time is a thief." Recently it is heavy on my mind. I haven't post...