Friday, April 15, 2011


A community that excludes even one of its members is no community at all.

--Dan Wilkins, poet and motivational speaker

in September 2006 Possibilities

Thursday, April 14, 2011


Abraham Lincoln said, “If you want to test a man’s character – give him power.”

With power, leadership, control over making the decisions for another person, a person takes on the responsibility to be open minded, challenged to think outside the box, and mostly to be considerate and compassionate to all people. Having the ability to alter a person's path in life is a huge burden to bear, or blessing to witness.

How one chooses to lead the direction of the person that is in question may truly test their character, test their ability to think change and inclusion can be a good thing. For what's one of the most painful emotions...feeling left out.

I challenge every reader of this post to imagine a world where we are given a chance to succeed or fail, before it is presumed we will fail, and are therefore not even given the chance either way.

Education comes in many forms, not restricted to academics. Let me ask you your favorite memory from high school or is academically related or do you remember the people you were with?

Thursday, April 7, 2011

oh the life....

Sadie put on quite a show for our new Service Facilitator this past week.  Her 30day visit was, well,  very interesting.  Unknowing and not having the time to read Sadie's "file," I allowed Sadie to give P a full introduction to her on her own...right down to poking her nipples, throwing ice, giggling while pulling her glasses off.  Sadie was joyous and giggly, happy as always, and did everything to show her that she needs a 1:1 attendant.  Her dad even looked at me at the beginning of the visit to ask if he should step in, ""no way," she needs to document everything Sadie's doing.

P said, "Anything new in the past month?"  Well, I said, yes as a matter of fact, Sadie fell backwards 4 steps off our deck, a few weeks before that she had a sprained ankle, was x-rayed 2 times, and wore a cast for 2 weeks.  We have no clue why she hurt her ankle (she doesn't talk).  She also had the flu for about 7-8 days. And had 2 poopy diapers today...

Oh and happy birthday Sadie with Strep throat today.

Yesterday, I had 3 appointments to interview people and none showed up.  Luckily, 2 actually called to say they couldn't make it (hours before the appointment).

Enough of the complaining, I'm not supposed to do that right? Wonderful husband who allows me to stay home with my girls,and all the while, I'm probably misunderstood because very few people live the life I lead.

On the positive note, Sadie truly is so happy and snuggly, sweet and true in the most raw nature (4 poopy diapers yesterday aside), she is amazing and has taught me patience, love, understanding, and had broadened my world thoughts, feelings, about life sooooo much.  I treasure everything, and try to take nothing for granted.

Happy Birthday Babygirl, I love you.

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Former School

Yesterday, I walked into Sadie's former school to pick up a friend's child.  The same school where the "3s" teacher refused to be in the same room as Sadie.  She literally refused to be in the same room as her.  Because Sadie belongs in a SpED class NOT in inclusion....according to her.  
People like her are who we are fighting against. Closed minded, people who think they are better, love better, have a better life....!@#$ her....took everything I had not to say that to her yesterday....Am i really the bigger person for keeping my mouth shut when she so freely voiced her opinion.  Well here's my voice...$%^& her.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Hello again

Ok, so this might make me wishy washy, but oh well....I opened the blog back up to the public again after hearing my hubby's argument about all the people who have been comforted by reading Sadie's Story.

For the psychos out there who think Sadie is Sadie because we had beer in Italy when she was conceived, well my good friends would know exactly what I would say about I'm going to leave that at that.  @#$% you.

So Sadie kept her cast on for about 2 weeks, after a follow up visit to the ortho (who I just adore), he took another xray and couldn't find anything wrong with her foot.  Was probably a sprain, tendonitis, or an ache, we just don't know.  Anyway, she is not limping anymore and seems to be just fine.

We will be having her fitting for new DAFOs soon, just to wear at night to keep her tendons stretched.  Oh i love getting her casted for those fittings.....NOT.

Anyway, hard to believe my baby will be 6 soon, and starting Kindergarten next year too. All day school...I won't know what to do without her all day....Maybe finally rest a little.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011


Dear Friends and Family, I've decided to make Sadie's blog private to only emails/people I allow to see it.  Please let me know by email, if you would like for me to allow you to have access to her blog.
Thanks for you understanding,

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Sadie's cast

Last week Sadie started limping with very little signs of injury. She had a small swelling on the top of her right foot, but nothing that looked bad. B decided we should go ahead and take her to the Ortho.  They X-rayed her foot, but didn't find any breaks. The doctor decided that it might be a sprain and went ahead and cast her foot. Frankly, I'm surprised she didn't hurt herself fighting to get free from me and the doctor holding her down while he wrapped her foot. I don't blame her a bit, but she does not like to be held down.  
Anyway, keeping the cast on for 2 weeks isn't that bad, I'm just really glad it isn't summer. We've had to keep her out of the wet yard and sandbox, which she absolutely loves to be outside.


Time is a Thief

I don't remember the first time I heard the sentiment, "time is a thief." Recently it is heavy on my mind. I haven't post...