Sunday, April 25, 2010


What adjectives would you say describes this photo?


So a drunk stranger on a bike yelled a R-word joke as he passed our street. Some might say don't be so sensitive, others might say wouldn't it hurt you if you have an intellectually disabled daughter, who is the most loving, beautiful, innocent little child. Did you know that she didn't choose her intellect, did you know that people are injured, or perhaps people grow old and can't remember, perhaps you are still young and when you do something say that word. Do you mean it positively? How about saying a joke about the most vulnerable people, who are the most loving. I'm just saying...maybe you should think twice...
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Thursday, April 22, 2010

Back Yard

So to sign back yard, you throw your thumb over your shoulder and then wave your flat hand parallel to the ground...back yard...well anyway, we all love spending the afternoons on the deck, playing in the sand, swinging on the swing, and just simply hanging out. We are glad to be home!
We came home from the splint clinic at 330, Sadie was fitted for Polly Wogs, (aka shoe inserts) also made by Cascade the same company that makes AFOs. Pretty neat concept, and I don't have to buy anymore cheap ones from the pharmacy! Plus insurance pays for it and that's aways a bonus!
I love sunny afternoons when it's in the low 70s.
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Tuesday, April 20, 2010


Looking guilty after she dumped a cup of cooked rice all over her the table and put a handful down her cute anyway. Thank goodness for the dog!
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Friday, April 9, 2010


You can see how big the top of the tree is compared to the fence and bike in the background.
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Ironically, as I pressed the send button on that last blog post, thetop of our tree fell half way down the tree and scared the crap outta me! Tree guys came out to take the huge piece out this afternoon.Having the whole tree removed next week!

Thursday, April 8, 2010


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Time is a Thief

I don't remember the first time I heard the sentiment, "time is a thief." Recently it is heavy on my mind. I haven't post...