Sunday, August 23, 2009

Neurodevelopmental Pediatrician Appointment

Dr. Montgomery was more than excited about Sadie's progress, since our last which time he had noted that everything with her seemed poised and ready, but patience might be best....he seemed confident, then, that it would be a matter of time before she started reaching some of the expectations he has for her.........we had begun to grow very concerned and anxious.
After this weeks evaluation, he described her progress as 'explosive' and referred to her as now being considered as 'stimulable' (in a nutshell, more aware and respsonsive), which is huge, with respect to how she will be perceived by therapists, etc.! Being 'stimulable' and still being in the more formidable age range, should help us secure more aggressive therapies, through school, etc. He referred to her as an ideal candidate for the new, Pilot program (Reverse Mainstreaming), that we have her set for at Birdneck Elementary this year, and encourages us to continue everything that Lisa has focused on (ie, Assistive Technology devices around the house to help with communication).
He's a great doctor, who is optimistic and realistic.......and loves Sadie......and seemed genuinely excited about where she is now and who she may develop into to, over the next few years.


Time is a Thief

I don't remember the first time I heard the sentiment, "time is a thief." Recently it is heavy on my mind. I haven't post...