- She now lifts her legs (while leaning on me) to put her foot in her pants leg.
- She can pull a pull-up up if it is up to her knees already.
- She willingly puts her hand up to push her arm threw a shirt sleeve.
- She is clapping to indicate yes.
- She randomly will Sign "more"
- She is eating better on her appetite stimulant...haha we should all be so lucky to need that
- She is more able to walk up stairs with a hand rail and even step up a curb unassisted.
- She's attempting to use silverware at meals.
- Her receptive language has really grown in the past 4 months.
- She will bring her cup if you ask for it.
- She will go get a book...sitting to listen to a story is a whole different thing haha
- She will climb the swing-set and go down the slide unassisted!!!
Shebli is saying new words everyday...
- She saw the mailman earlier today and she pointed to him and said, "mail"
- I said, "oh how nice" and she immediately started saying "nice"
- I told her Sadie didn't mean it, and she said, "mean"
- diaper
- knock knock
- door
- Sadie is now called ssssssss instead of tata for sister...so cute!
- cheeee is cheese
Parenthood is amazing!