Saturday, March 28, 2009

Dental, GI, Developmental Pediatrician Appt.

hello all,
I just finished sweeping up coffee grinds off the kitchen floor...a white tile kitchen floor. Sadie pulled the coffee filter out of the trash...standing right next to me. Before I could get to her, she spilled it on the floor!

The week before last, both girls went to the dentist. We have been concerned about Sadie grinding her teeth. She tends to grind at night or when she isn't feeling good. After holding both girls so the dentist could get a good look, he confirmed that her molars are worn down. He mentioned a mouth piece, but I know she isn't ready for that. Shelbi's teeth look great. We finally get to use regular toothpaste!!!

This past week Sadie had 2 appointments with specialists. The first appointment was on Monday with her GI doctor. She has grown 1 inch and now weighs 32.5 pounds. The periactin is working to stimulate her appetite and the prevacid keeps her stomach and reflux calm. He advised us to continue the same medications and we follow up with him in September.

The second appointment this week was on Friday with her Developmental Pediatrician. He tracks her progress and tells us where she is developmentally. He confirmed that she is a dream patient...sweet, calm, easy to work with, and loving...The assistant preformed her evaluation and the doctor examined her. The doctor told us he was surprised to see little language and very little communication. She is developmentally between a 12-24month old. Language, feeding, and other oral motor milestones are 12 months, while play and interaction are 22-24 months. She maintains 50% of her chronological age...Maintaining that 50% since we have been seeing him for the past 2 years. Reality...she will probably continue to maintain that percentage, but on a positive note she will continue to grow mentally.

The doctor feels that she should be able to make choices with pictures, but after speaking to her teacher and also feeling my gut instinct...she truly isn't ready for that yet. Her only interest in pictures is putting them in her mouth. We will keep trying new things. The Assistive Tech devices should be here in a week or two...We ordered the "put 'em arounds." It is a sound device that is about 6inches by 8inches. The top half holds a picture and the bottom half is a button. When the button is pressed it can say a 10 second "I want milk." These devices attach to the wall and can give Sadie a voice and way to communicate. I really hope they work. We ordered them in November and it has taken this long to process all the paper work. Our insurance is covering it...$500 for 10devices...yikes!

She's drooling a lot these past few days...I always feel like she gets a cold or sinus infection when that happens. Both schools also told me she was quite fussy too.
Sadie continues to attend public school special ed preschool 3 times a week and private preschool 2 times a week. I feel like a taxi! I often wonder where do I draw the line...the all week to get her the best...the goal is to give her the best but at what expense?

Time is a Thief

I don't remember the first time I heard the sentiment, "time is a thief." Recently it is heavy on my mind. I haven't post...