Thursday, November 6, 2008

Milestones come and go

The last post described Sadie saying "DAD" for the first time. I regret to say that that has been the only time thus far. Strange how children with chromosome issues do things and then they just as quickly stop doing it.

We had a wonderful Halloween, although it is stressful keeping up with your children in the dark. Next year I'll buy a glow necklace or something to see them better. Thanks to Daddy's close eye everyone stayed safe.

We are switching speech therapists this week because our health insurance maximum was met for Sadie and the only option is to pay out of pocket. We're switching to another provider who carries our secondary insurance. We are so sad to say goodbye to Rhonda, she was wonderful!!!

Sadie's baby sister pee peed in the potty 2 times yesterday (15 months old). It would be so nice to have one of them out of diapers. Maybe Shelbi will help Sadie go in the potty too.

Time is a Thief

I don't remember the first time I heard the sentiment, "time is a thief." Recently it is heavy on my mind. I haven't post...