Saturday, April 21, 2012

Time for a better fence?

Well, I guess we will be looking for a better, taller, Sadie-proof fence soon!!!!

Spring days

Sadie laying calmly in the grass after a softer fall than it looked.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012


The older Sadie gets, the more communication gets to be a larger issue.  People look to me to be her voice... her voice for all aspects of her total care.  "Should I feed her, should I change her wet clothes, should I change her pull up, should I get her a snack, a drink, a toy, a game, shoes, socks, coat, sunscreen, should I stand by her side, assist her, hold her hand, give her space, hold her, sit with her, create an activity for her?" those are among the few questions I get on a daily, minute by minute, hour to hour basis when someone is caring for her who isn't capable of intuitively understanding the needs of a person, but more especially the needs of a person that can not speak traditionally with their voice.  This is probably the most challenging hurdle I've had to cross with her care givers.  Getting them to see her as a 7 year old and treating her as a person with choices, feelings, both physical and emotion, with needs just like any other child to balance her disability with giving her space has been tough.  I hate that people see her with out the ability to actually have choices and be able to have her wants and have those respected.  She is a person, a human being, a child.... presume competence people.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Sadie's new do

> New hair cut!!!!

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Sunny days at the park

What a beautiful day to play at the park!

Sunday, February 19, 2012

The Problem with "Problem"

I was recently at a birthday party and the dad of the typical developing child, referred to Sadie as having a lot of "problems" and that she need extra support. We were discussing childcare so that we can keep it in context. But, I have to admit, I don't think I have ever considered Sadie or her "issues" actual PROBLEMS.  For my life, with Sadie is what it is.  Sadie is a child, a person, she learns, thinks, moves, discovers, communicates, she loves, she hugs, she has pain, and does a lot that other children have outgrown, but I admit, I have never seen it as a "problem."  
I felt a great need to read some articles on the Disability is Natural website by Kathie Snow.  I needed to read her thoughts... this article was right on... "The Problem with "Problem"
The Problem, with Problem, is that I see the word "Problem" as something I can FIX because something is broken.  I don't see Sadie as broken, she is a whole a person/child as any other. 

Time is a Thief

I don't remember the first time I heard the sentiment, "time is a thief." Recently it is heavy on my mind. I haven't post...