Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Escaping Irene

On Friday we drove with the family to Escape the effects and dangers of Hurricane Irene. I think we made a good choice, especially living so close to the water and they were predicting Irene to be a category 4 hurricane.  Storm Surge is a big concern in our area. 
And so we were lucky enough to have family who rented a house in the mountains. I had a lot of concerns about being in a new house.  After all, it is hard to sit still even at our "Sadie Proof" house.  As I expected, Sadie was into everything in the kitchen...she just loves being in there.  She is innately attracted to the ice maker on the outside of the fridge, the sink, the knife drawer, and of course the ever changing and interesting trash can. She was her normal self...she never stopped walking around, she was up and down the stairs, in and around exploring the WHOLE time. I don't think I ever sat down for more than a minute, and that's when I decided to barricade myself in our room with Sadie.  So that she could feel more free and I could relax. At one point the 3 piece sectional sofa was split up in an attempt to block her way into the kitchen and to the stairs.  Chairs were even put in front of the door to the stairs that went down to the 3rd bottom floor.  The kitchen trash can was moved to the bathroom and grocery bags were hung up high for the trash in the kitchen.

A few things I didn't expect, she was able to go up and down the stairs mostly unassisted between the 2nd and 3rd floors.  She actually sat on her bottom at the top of the stairs and scooted down on her butt.  When someone was with her on the stairs she would hold their hand and walk down.  She was mostly safe being left alone for a small amounts of time.  However, a side note is she was "safe," I didn't say she didn't get into anything.  The toilet paper had to be put up and any thing else like shampoo or soap would get dumped out on the floor.  She emptied all our bags in our room on the floor and anything that would hurt her was already up in the top shelf of the closet.  I was pretty worried about the open outlets and her pulling a dresser or tv over.  
I think our trip gave me the courage to try another trip, with a little more prep, like taking a paid attendant so that I could sit a little more and enjoy the break.

Other things that I expected...Sadie was her usual HAPPY self, sweet, loving, snuggle self.  She slept well once she went to sleep and she slept through the night both nights. 

Overall, while it was stressful for me at the beginning of the trip, it did get better and I have the confidence that maybe we can try another family trip.

On a side note, Sadie and I met up with a friend and her family for lunch at Applebee's on Saturday. There aren't enough words to express how glad I was to spend an hour with them.  Their daughters are amazing.  Their oldest was so sweet to Sadie, even though Sadie kept blowing Frito mouth raspberries at her =) And their youngest shared a granola bar with Sadie.(their youngest has Down Syndrome, which I have to mention because being around a family similar to us makes me feel so normal AND I'm so grateful to have such a good friend that I feel "safe" around).

Below is a photo of the very very quick stop we made on Afton Mountain to view the Shenandoah Mountains.  

Below is a photo of our neighborhood hangout, which is on the inlet.  Our house is around the corner, but higher above sea level, so we actually didn't have flooding like this.
We came home on Sunday afternoon to electricity, minimal leaves, and small branches in our yard.  Over all, I think we were very lucky and my heart goes out to those who had more damage and lost their lives to Hurricane Irene August 26-27, 2011.

Monday, August 22, 2011

doctor appointment

Took Shelbi (and Sadie) for her post-op appointment at the Children's Hospital alone without help today (took a lot of courage). I complimented Shelbi on all her help with Sadie and she said, "Weeelllll Mom...I didn't want you to freak out." I about fell out of my seat as I was pinning Sadie between my knees and holding her arms, while the Doc was trying to examine Shelbi. HAHA We made it home without too much stress...More allergy medication and nasal spray for Shelbi due to fluid in her ears.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Surfing for the first time...

Surfers Healing Camp was in our area yesterday.  (click here for the History of Surfers Healing)

Our plans for the day included watching a friend's daughter surf in the morning and going to a Virginia Zoo event in the evening.  A full day ahead, I had no idea our day would be so rewarding and exciting.
Eager to get there on time to see our 7 year old friend surf, we started our 10 min walk to the beach. We hustled to the beach and walked to the Team Hoyt Tent , telling the volunteers we were there to watch, but weren't participating in Surfers Healing.

Immediately, I saw a friend who said the surfers will take some of the extra kids out to surf if there's time. I thought, that's pretty cool, but really didn't expect for Sadie to go out.

With in minutes, Sadie's dad walked over to the line and asked if they had room for Sadie.  With in seconds, they were putting a life jacket on her and walking her to the surfer and board on the beach.
It all happened SO fast...one minute we were getting settled on the beach to watch and hang out, and the next I'm scrambling to get my camera out to take photos.

The view of your child sitting on the end of a surf board, as a professional surfer (volunteer) is paddling her out to the break...so surreal and so emotional.  It was one of the most amazing events to witness. Watching them sit in the calm water rolling with the ocean.

It was a moment in time where I had no fear, only joy that she was able to sit out there and feel the breeze, feel the water, and experience something new and exciting.

We stood at the waters edge with the volunteers lining the coast to help, watching as the surfers in orange rash guards paddled out to the break and sat calmly on their boards, while children with disabilities lay happily on their stomachs protected by a team of passionate surfers.  Each hoping to give a child with a disability an experience they would always remember.

Watching from the water's edge, it looked calm and peaceful.  Living so close to the beach all my life, I have never surfed, but I felt absorbed by the moment and emotional.  I felt secure too, as if I was letting go a little bit, that someone else was able to keep her safe.

Sadie's surfer (I wish I knew his name) took her out 3 times, and only wiped out once.  He had amazing strength, as he pulled Sadie up with one hand as they were riding the wave.  When he lifted her up, she tucked her feet under her and didn't put her feet on the board.  He was able to hold her in the air.

In the end, she was given a medal, and her family a moment to feel grateful and joy for the memories that this day brought to us.

It really was one of those times in your life where you know you will remember every moment and cherish the volunteers, surfers, and organizations that care so much and offer so much to people with disabilities. Thank you Surfers Healing!

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Sadie eating her first ice cream cone

I ordered Sadie her first Ice Cream cone from McDs yesterday. I only asked them to fill it to the top of the cone. She was so cute, she mostly ate the bottom first with it upside down.

Sadie's First Tooth

Sadie lost her first tooth this evening. Awe, so cute with that little gap.

Time is a Thief

I don't remember the first time I heard the sentiment, "time is a thief." Recently it is heavy on my mind. I haven't post...