Thursday, April 8, 2010

terrible 2s

So, I took Sadie to the doctor this morning after feeling whole heartedly that she was suffering from ear infection, sore throat, sinuses, allergies, something.  She was off the charts fussy yesterday and this morning had a complete meltdown over nothing.  She cried uncontrolably and without me being able to sooth her for over an hour.  After her tears and mine; and seeing Shelbi standing there looking at both of us like we are crazy, I called the doctor and made an appointment.  I was sure she'd find something.  Afterall, Shelbi is on an antibiotic for an ear and sinus infection, I've also been on amoxicillin for the same.  It seemed obvious that Sadie probably had the same.
After a thorough evaluation, she is a completely healthy child.  The conclusion....Sadie is developmentally at 24-28months old..."Terrible Twos."
After pointing out that I've had a perfectly tempered loving child for the past 5 years and that I pretty much avoided (so far) the 2-3 year old temper tantrums with Shelbi, that the conclusion is that Sadie is struggling to tell us what she wants and then compounded by her disablilites...she is having tantrums.
Well this got me thinking on the way home, as I was debated to drink a beer with lunch or take a "pill" instead....that if Sadie has been on the 50%-60% developomental track for the past 5 years....Does that lead me to conclude she might possibly be in the terrible 2's -3's stage for 2-3 years????????  oh my gosh the thought of that really makes me want medication.  That might be an overstatement because I'm pretty level headed when handling Sadie.  My husband; on the other hand, well I kinda lose my head with him =)
Well, we are home now and as I type this post, Sadie is running around the deck soaking wet in a t-shirt and pajama pants (without a diaper) playing in the 6 foot plastic pool filled about 2 inches with cold water.....AND she is happy as can be and seems to be for now at least, back to her normal self.  Thank Goodness.
Oh, Shelbi when to Granny's today for some quiet one on one without Sadie.  She deserves a break too.  I need to always remember that. 

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Thursday, April 1, 2010


Sadies lost weight. Back to pushing food
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Sunday, March 28, 2010


I was quick to jump all over the idea of keeping Sadie in special ed preschool one more year. She should start Kindergarten in September, but she is making so much progress in the Special Education Preschool "Reverse Mainstreaming" Inclusion class. Sadie's class has 6 special ed students and 6 regular ed students.  She has really picked up on hand holding, following simple directions, and her receptive language has exploded.  She will even push her arm through the sleeve of her shirt when I hold the shirt open for her.  She also lifts her leg up to put it in her pants when we stand behind her and support her. She even took her coat off one day last week when we came home and put it next to the closet. Although she requires a lot of prompting, she is at least responding to one step directions. 
She is such a social little girl and we are so thankful that the school system offered this opportunity for her to be with her peers in an inclusive environment.  Kindergarten is such a big transition for any child, but more especially for a child with special needs.  The teacher said she'd probably be in a self contained class if she went into Kindergarten.  I hope she can always be included with all children, but I also know that sometime what we want isn't always what's best.
While, I did jump all over the idea of her being in preschool one more year, it really hit home for me when I got the call last week for her tri-annual evaluation for special education services in preparation for Kindergarten.  I told the coordinator that we decided to hold her back and she confirmed this decision with the teachers.  And so, next week we with meet with everyone again for her 3 year evaluation of services, and we will tell them how happy we are that Sadie is in inclusion.  With a heavy heart, I know my daughter will stay back instead of moving on like her same age regular ed peers  I know it's what's best, but it is just another jab to our life that we live in Holland, NOT Italy.

Friday, March 12, 2010

Busy day!

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Thursday, March 11, 2010

New stroller

Sadie got her new Maclaren stroller last week and today was the perfect day to walk on the boardwalk. Of course, Shelbi rode her tricycle too! (I was trying to wear her out so she'd take a good nap heee heee)
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Monday, March 8, 2010

more in stroller.jpg

Finally got sadie to push "more" on her "GoTalk9" by zooming her through the house in her new stroller! Ha ha!
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Time is a Thief

I don't remember the first time I heard the sentiment, "time is a thief." Recently it is heavy on my mind. I haven't post...